A charity serving Christ through works of mercy. We coordinate and capture experiential events that help guide God's lost sheep back to their One True Shepherd

What We Do
  • Pray With Us

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

  • Mission

    Our mission is to help men and women to become the holiest versions of themselves. Working with a network of community partners, we coordinate and capture experiential events that help guide God’s “lost sheep” back to their One True Shepherd.

  • Mark 9:24

    Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"

Meet The Founder

Hi, I'm Jon Paul and I believe the only way to live this life is not for yourself, but for God. I founded SHEEPDOG to be an organization to bring all God's lost sheep back home to their One True Shepherd. I love to work with individuals and organizations of all backgrounds to serve my Lord Jesus Christ.

Triangle Buddy Walk

We are participating to show our support for more than 400,000 individuals with Down syndrome in the U.S. Every dollar we raise brings us one step closer to ensuring that our child and every individual will have the opportunity to reach their potential.


Wheelchair Mission Progress

We have reached 45% of our goal for the October American Wheelchair Mission wheelchair drive by raising enough money for 50 wheelchairs. Help us fully reach our goal below!

American Wheelchair Mission